Full season at Getteröns Camping

Great news! We currently have four season seats available for the 2025 season. It is first come first served, so email lovisa@getteronscamping.se if you want to book one of the places

You can find the vacancies here


Information on location S07:

Width: 10.5m
Depth: 10.5m
Sqm: 110
Base price: 30950 SEK
Length of caravan: max 9m incl. draft
Water / sewage and electricity will be added.
The draft on the caravan is against site S10, the awning will be against the stone / fence, which gives evening sun on the site


Information on location S13:

Width: 8m
Depth: 10m
+24sqm in triangle shape
Sqm total: 104
Base price: SEK 27030
Length of caravan: max 9m incl. draft
Water / sewage and electricity will be added.
The draft is towards site E28, the site has daytime sun.


Information on location S15:

Width: 8.5m
Depth: 9m
+17 sqm in triangle shape
Total sqm: 93.5
Base price: SEK 25508
Length of caravan: max 8m incl draft
Water / sewage and electricity will be added.
The draft is towards S12, which gives the place morning sun.


Information on location S17:

Width: 7.5m
Depth: 12m
Sqm: 101
Base price: 25000 SEK
Length of caravan: max 8m incl draft
Water / sewage and electricity will be added.
The draft should be towards cabin 24, which gives evening sun on the site.

The seats are located in the S area at the top from the reception.

All information on how to place yourself in the queue list for the 2026 season can be found here

What if I want a full-season vacancy in 2026?

  1. Check which site you want to rent that meets our requirements for a seasonal site, i.e. caravan size and tent size in comparison to the size of the site.
  2. Register your interest to lovisa@getteronscamping.se and write the following information:
    phone number
    caravan length incl. draft
    wishes / place.
    NOTE registration is only received via email and not by phone or over the counter at the reception! This is to get the exact date/time when the request came in, as the pressure on our full-season places is so great.

After registration, an invoice of SEK 125 will be invoiced for the queuing and administrative costs.

We then call the registered in chronological order, if you get a call from us and the vacancy fits the wishes of the guest, you are booked and a contract is sent by mail.
If you are not contacted before mid-November, our full-season places have unfortunately gone to people ahead in the queue.

When all full season places are filled for the 2025 season, everyone on the waiting list will be removed and you can sign up again from 1/1-25 via email lovisa@getteronscamping.se for the 2026 season.

Price for full season 2024

Vatten och avlopp1100kr
Pris/kvm utöver 100kvm145kr
Pris per kWh2,5kr

Please note that the seasonal locations are subject to change.

For questions about seasonal camping, email us at info@getteronscamping.se or call 0340-16885 during our phone hours.

General information

For many years, we have had a lot of pressure on our all-season sites. This is something we think is absolutely fantastic! However, this means that it may be more difficult for you as a guest to get a seasonal pitch with us. It all depends on how many seats we get available for the coming season. 180 of our 418 campsites are full season sites. These are marked on our site map with a diagonal line. Please note that locations may change from season to season.

As a full-season guest with us, you can set up and use your caravan from the end of April to mid-September, see the exact date in the contract. The price of a seasonal pitch varies according to the size of the site and whether or not the site has water and sewage. The price of our full-season pitches is excl. electricity, you pay for the electricity you use.

Fire safety around seasonal accommodation

In 2019, the emergency services in the West issued new information regarding the stowage distance between camping vehicles. The new distance rules state that there should be 4m between the caravan and the tent to reduce the spread of any fire. As a result, we have rebuilt all of the campsite’s pitches so that they are larger and up to standard. To make it easy for you as a guest to keep the right safety distance, there are two red stones on each plot, which caravan and awning should be placed within.
As a full or long season resident with us, we strongly recommend that you have tested your gas and had it approved, have a fire alarm and fire extinguisher in both caravan and awning.
On our site map you can see where you have the nearest fire extinguisher, there are so many that no one should be further than 50m from an extinguisher.
Thank you for your help in working towards a safe and secure campsite!

Väder, vind & temperatur

Vad händer på Campingen

V27 erbjuder allt från After Beach till Barnklubb.

Piratdag för alla små campare under fredag 7 Juli och Cirkus på kvällen. Passa på att boka din plats och upplev Getterön!

Weather, wind & temperature

What happens at the campsite

V27 offers everything from After Beach to Kids Club.

Pirate day for all little campers on Friday July 7th and Circus in the evening. Book your place and experience Getterön!